An increasing number of functions on websites rely on Google software (Google API). In the past, Google has made this software freely available without restriction, but now Google’s API policy has changed, and to use it you are likely to need a Google account. In addition, if there are complexities with any enquiry forms on the website not being able to be received by your email address, we can use the Google account as a proxy, forwarding emails through it from the website to your regular email address.
To help ensure that our customers have control and ownership of the various components of their site we ask that they set up a unique Gmail account and share access to that account with us. We will then link any Google API licences to this Gmail account and both parties can access data as required.
Why a new/unique email address?
Customers are often (rightly) reluctant to give access to a Gmail account that is already in use as it may contain sensitive or confidential info and the password may be updated on a regular basis. By creating a new email address this issue can be avoided. Sharing the account logins with Quikclicks makes it simpler and faster for Quikclicks to extend the functionality of the website.
Should your relationship with Quikclicks end, you retain all API licence data and access, and can reset the password.
If you have any questions about this, please speak to your main contact.