Facebook Advertising

With almost 2 billion monthly active users (80% of all Internet users) and affordable advertising fees, Facebook is fast becoming the most cost effective online marketing channel.

Within this massive pool of people are your future customers and Facebook ads will help you reach them. Its unique ability to target the specific demographics and audiences that relate to your product or service delivers a ROI second to none.

Facebook is also extremely effective at increasing brand awareness, social exposure and capturing and nurturing long-term leads. It’s real-time analytics and reporting also enable fine-tuning and close monitoring of metrics and KPIs.

Case Study 1

Online Hormone Test Kit supplier

Our client provides home hormone testing checks that can help people identify reasons for stress, anxiety and other health issues. While they started out testing testoterone for weight lifters, they have now expanded their coverage to other major hormones in the human body. The problem was that people didn’t know what the company did, or how the products could relate to their daily lives.

To help get product information to customers and attract customers to the website we created an easy to read website landing page:

  • The intention was to get attention, create curiosity, normalise how the products could help, and provide relevant information that people could relate to.
  • Summaries of peer-reviewed literature that advocated for the use of products such as those of our client were added to the page.
  • There was no hyperbole or ‘sales-speak’ used. It is a fairly dry summary of different studies.
  • The landing page was hosted within the client’s website so there were links to products and other pages at the top and bottom of the page.
  • In order to keep tabs on how the campaign would progress, we installed Facebook Pixel on their website to track and save user behavior data related to our targeted advertising campaign.

We then posted the landing page on Facebook using the ad shown.

  • The campaign ran between May 9 and June 13.
  • There was a large increase in targeted traffic.
  • There were more sales (direct and related products) for the client.
  • There was increased brand awareness, page growth and engagement.
  • The accumulation of data through Pixel meant the campaign could be fine-tuned as it went along.

In the graph shown, the red arrow marks the start of the campaign.

The bottom line: the results

A detailed table of results is below however, most importantly:


The ad reached over 34,000 people.


Over 2000 unique Facebook users reached our client’s website through the ad.


The total amount paid to Facebook was $677.83.


This breaks down to an average of $0.34c per visitor.


We retargeted people who read the blog with a separate ad to remind them of the product.


There were also 11 page likes, 44 post shares, and 46 post reactions.


The client made enough of a profit to warrant re-investing in the strategy.